Welcome to our site! |
We are the youth group at Morton Memorial United Methodist Church in Clarksville IN! We are a bunch of outta control Christians who are out to change the world! |
This site is designed to keep you informed of the ministry and Just plain fun that goes on at FIX and KICK. Simply Click on the sites below and be magically wisked away to our world. If you are interested in visiting us click on the "our staff and church" link. Or e-mail us at the bottom of the page! |
The Jesus Zone. This page includes a calendar of our events month by month, pictures of past events, and will be a place where you can discuss current events by e-mail. We want this page to be a place that ministers to you while informing you of what is going on! |
Christian Music. This page is a resource for Christian music. You can learn about bands, different types of christian music, get local concert information, and hear sound bytes from various artist's albums. |
KICK. This page is all you need to know about our radical children's program! It also includes information about our daycare at church. |
Our Church and Staff. This page has information about other ministries at our church and includes pictures of some of the best looking men and women on the planet, our staff. |
Around Clarksville. A little info on how to get to Clarksville and some of the goings-on in the local and surrounding areas. |